Inspire & Design – A Graphic Designing Ideas Generation

Module 1 Inspire And Design Theme Intro
Episode 1 Apno Ka Sehar - Theme Song for Inspire And Design  
Module 2 Phase - 1 Unlock Your Creativity
Episode 1 Let's Begin - 05 Min. 44 Sec.  
Episode 2 Unlock Your Creativity - 20 Minutes  
Episode 3 Think and Inspire Like Me - 11 Min.  
Episode 4 Don't be a Slave of your Mind - 12 Min .  
Module 3 Phase 2 - Inspire And Design
Episode 1 Rule of Gravity - 08 Min, 03 Sec.  
Episode 2 Step 1 - Master in Text Title - 13 Min. 14 Sec.  
Episode 3 Step 2 - Master in Shape Design - 13 Min.  
Episode 4 Step 3 - Master in Color Selection - 17 Min , 18 Sec.  
Episode 5 Choosing a Color Part 2 - 05 min 40 Sec.  
Episode 6 Choosing a Color Part 3 -08 Min. 44 Sec.  
Episode 7 Step 4 - Master in Size & Space - 13 min - 18 sec  
Episode 8 The Check List - 09 min , 05 Sec.  
Episode 9 Design The Layout - 15min 44 Sec.  
Episode 10 Create Design Layout Multiple Option 17 Min. 18 Sec.  
Episode 11 Selection of The Main Image for Design 07 Min , 40 Sec.  
Episode 12 How to use supporting Image in the Design - 07min .  
Episode 13 How to Create Content for the Ad Banner 09 Min. 37 sec  
Episode 14 Final Step - 20 Designs in 20 Minutes - 21 Min 54 Sec.  
Episode 15 Live Inspire And Design Workflow Example 1 - 20 Min 10 sec  
Episode 16 Live Inspire And Design Workflow Example 2 -12 min . 20 sec  
Episode 17 Request  
Module 4 Phase 3 - Concept Based Ad Design
Episode 1 How to Plan and Think Concept for the Ad Banner - 12min 26 Sec.  
Episode 2 Tips to Design Concept based Ad Banner 11Min. 40 Sec.  
Module 5 Phase 4 - Go Trendy
Episode 1 What kind of Trends are Coming - 06 Min 23 Sec.  
Episode 2 The Trend Vs Clients - 09 min 10 Sec.  
Episode 3 Be a TRENDSETTER - 07 Min 01 Sec.  
Episode 4 Think TRENDY design ideas just in Minutes 08 Min 23 Sec.  
Module 6 Phase 5 - Bonus
Episode 1 How to create Powerful Portfolio 06 Min.08 Sec.  
Episode 2 What to add in the Portfolio 04 Min - 23 Sec.  
Episode 3 How to Apply for a Job 06 Min 40 Sec.  
Module 7 Phase 6 - Source Files
Episode 1 30 Rajeev Mehta’s Favorite font Family | DOWNLOAD NOW  
Episode 2 All Design Templates We Have Created | DOWNLOAD NOW  
Episode 3 Social Media Post Size Chart | DOWNLOAD NOW  
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